In this section:  The Challenge ||  Prayer Journal  ||  How YOU can be a partner 

The FES ministry is a FAITH MINISTRY in ALL respects.
  • It is a ministry of sowing and waiting for the seeds to take root and blossom into graduates who have a solid foundation and a sense of God's call upon their lives.

  • It is a ministry that depends on graduates (those who have walked the path before), who are willing to sacrifice and become fulltime ministers among students.

  • It is a ministry that is powered and engineered through prayer, as God moves us and also broadens our horizons.

  • It is a ministry of waiting for those who believe in the vision of changing students for life, to give lavishly and sacrificially towards the expansion of God's kingdom in the campus.

Yes, and many seeming mountains have been moved because the Lord Himself is the Lord of the FES ministry.