In this section:  History  ||  Mission  ||  Vision  ||  Values   ||  About the Logo 

Entrusting students with the gift of leadership and responsibility for chartering their own course in the Christian fellowship is a distinguishing characteristic of the FES. Only through such trust accompanied by shaping of their ensuing experience, can we empower them.

In many instances, Scripture is being compromised and charged with irrelevance amidst a society that has moved at an amazing pace. Yet, the clarion call is loud and clear, Scripture is our only authority, and we allow the Lord to exercise His Lordship over our lives through coming under His Word.

The campus is an orchard of rich varieties. Christians of different denominations, races and languages add rich colors to the coming together of members in fellowship. The ultimate purpose of our coming together is to be a witness in the midst of a large harvest field, of the love of Christ which unites us.

The charge given to each student is to receive our identity as Christ's Missionary, wherever He has placed us. Therefore the call is always before us, that the campus is our current mission-field. The harvest is all around us, in our classrooms, hostels, everywhere. And when we leave, we are charged with being Christ's missionaries in the place He leads us to.

The Christian Fellowship will never take the place of church. Thus, this will always be our concern to never sever the student from his church, but rather to enrich his service in his home church whether currently or in the future.

These values are passed on as STAFF and VOLUNTEERS seek to be